Since its creation in 1985, the Foundation for Mental Health has worked diligently to meet its mission to invest the community in the success of the Mental Health Center of North Central Alabama through education, volunteerism and financial gifts.
Through active fundraising and grant writing the Foundation has been able to provide permanent and transitional housing, vehicles for transportation, psychiatric and mental health treatment services and numerous other supportive opportunities for thousands of children and adults.
The Foundation makes a difference in the lives of people. With gifts of resources or your time, you too can make a difference in the lives of children and adults who need mental health services.
If you would like more information about making a gift or volunteering your time to the Foundation, please call the office at (256) 260-7324 or by sending an email to: .
You can make a donation online by scrolling to the bottom of this page and selecting the round "Donate Now" icon.
Foundation for Mental Health
1316 Somerville Rd. SE, Ste. 1 - Decatur, AL 35601
Bert Pippen
President & CEO
Lisa S. Coleman
Chief Operating Officer
David Breland
Robert Harris
Henry White
Vice President
Judy Henry
Melanie Reid